Clients quotes |
It's not often that a software company will outsource core product development, but when your developers are fully allocated and a critical project needs resources, you have no choice. Eureka tackled a very sophisticated project - a stateful version of our WebAnswer web search engine - which we needed to deliver to several of our largest, most important customers. Even our own software engineers had to admit they did a great job! |
Howie York
VP Software Solutions
Dataware Technologies |
EEPL forays into embedded system development
Falling prices of hardware coupled with increased complexity of semiconductor devices has brought into the world a new array of options and alternatives for providing comprehensive solutions to various business needs. This phenomenon has been further strengthened by the confluence of various technologies like palm and mobile devices. Leading operating system developers of the world have added great value by devising operating systems to extract optimal benefits being provided by device manufacturing industries.
Eureka has forayed into this highly specialized and niche area by leveraging the advantage being offered by its skilled programming resources. Eureka with its enormous consulting and development background is bringing about comprehensive solutions to meet the unique and specific needs of industries needing embedded solutions. We has evolved a dedicated team of professionals who are currently focusing on Windows CE and Linux operating systems to cater to the embedded market.