Clients quotes |
Eureka's real strength is being able to quickly understand our business problem and translate that into an integration of the right technology pieces. They have strong technical knowledge and can bridge the gap between a technical and business solution. |
Steve Horne
VP DBM Consulting
D&B |
Features of CMS software
BudgetBooks - Markup & Items |
Option to create an estimate in BudgetBooks from project totals page or entire workbook |
Automatically sets custom markup of BudgetBooks items equal to original estimate markup |
Option to calculate custom markup using either percent of costs or percent margin methods |
BudgetBooks - Invoices & Purchase Orders |
Detailed customer/project/job information |
Ability to invoice, estimate, create purchase orders using a detailed construction specific items list in BudgetBooks created from your items |
Ability to create BudgetBooks invoice and purchase order with item quantities, costs and prorated taxes from specific estimate category or sheet |
Custom AutoDocs |
Custom AutoDocs Wizard for creating custom templates with full document automation |
Custom documents folders are accessible directly from Microsoft Word |
Project Backup |
Customize to run backup system on start-up, shut-down or both Scheduled backup - Backups can be taken at any time possible |
Ability to back up files to a network server, storage device, network computer or same computer |
Scheduling - View Options |
Show/hide all project bars, headers and tasks for individual projects |
Option to insert custom image/ company logo in Title Bar, background image, titles and subtitles, predesigned color schemes |