E-learning is emerging as the primary mode to impart knowledge not only to students but also professionals in the corporate world. This is an increasingly popular choice of employers today to train their staff on processes, applications, and technologies.
Developing E-learning applications is another specialization we possess. We are equipped with and have many years of experience in utilizing the latest technologies and tools to integrate content and graphics into a structure that is best suited for customers' specific needs. Our WBTs (Web Based Training) and CBTs (Computer Based Training, primarily run from CD) include simulations, help screens, audio, animations, and quiz/questionnaire to make e-learning a pleasurable experience. We combine all these elements to deliver training modules with appropriate instructional outlook and client requirements. Our developers and designers adhere to the AICC and SCORM norms.
We are very cost effective, and with years of standardization and effective processes, team of development staff dedicated to e-learning, we guarantee lowest cost of ownership to our customers.
Our custom developed e-learning courses
Offer wide range of CD, Web-based, multimedia, and Client-Server solutions |
Adhere to standard OS and Browser requirements without the need for special plug-ins or players |
Can be added to an existing LMS. We have many years of experience working with multiple LMS's and developing courses within the LMS's e.g. Docent. |
Examples of our E-learning developed courseware include highly creative and graphically appealing:
CBT's ( Computer Based Training ) |
Timed Audio, Video, Animation, and Database access (for scoring) |
Large courses (2+ hours) with multiple chapters |
Small learning objects that can be assimilated together to create multiple courses |
Randomness in order of appearance of questions and answer |
WBT's (Web Based Training) |
Timed Audio, Video, Animation, and Database access (for scoring) |
Large courses (2+ hours) with multiple chapters |
Small learning objects that can be assimilated together to create multiple courses |
Randomness in order of appearance of questions and answer |
Our technical staff has many years of experience and expertise in Macromedia Flash, Authorware, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Macromedia Director, 3D Max, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Sound Forge, Java Script.